Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Awhile back; I was out on a walk and while walking; I received some revelation from the Lord that really moved me that day.  It's not the first time that He has spoken to me about this topic and there will probably be more times. I believe it was just another layer brought up so that I can go deeper in knowing Him, His kingdom and receiving all that He has for me.

FAITH... or HOPE? Jesus so lovingly showed me some areas where I really thought that I had faith or even great faith; but instead it was actually hope.   At first; I was disappointed, but as He revealed more; I began to see it. In the New Testament; the definition of HOPE is  a "confident expectation". It's expecting something good. There's nothing wrong with that!!!   FAITH is......"I HAVE IT ALREADY.......IT'S A DONE DEAL BECAUSE JESUS SAYS SO." It's as if with certain situations we may start out with hoping or a strong and confident expectation but we just haven't arrived at that place of faith. Or maybe we are praying and contending for something or for someone, for some kind of breakthrough and we believe and have faith.  But wait; is it faith or is it hope? 

One of my greatest desires is to be so filled with faith that I am immoveable in it, steadfast and not easily tossed to and fro. I want to mature in faith and grow up in the fullness of Jesus Christ. It's not my doing but the Lord's as He is the author and finisher of my faith, yet; I have a part in walking it out. Hope is a good thing to have. I Cor. 13:13 tells us that faith, hope and love are good! But FAITH pleases God. I was reading in Genesis 12, where God personally called Abram out and then in Chapter 15:5-6; God was telling Abram to look at the heavens; the stars and count them and God blessed him with a promise. Then in verse 6; this shows us the first time that Abram [who's name was later changed to Abraham] believed in the Lord and it was accounted to him as righteousness. When Abram looked and saw it; he believed it. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hope is really great.  Faith is a big deal to God. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."  Jude 1:20 talks about building up our most holy faith. 

When you intimately know God and have relationship with Him; He will reveal Himself to you because He loves you. Hope is really good but He wants you to have great faith in Him!

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