Thursday, April 10, 2014

Busy and very productive day today.  Just wish I would have been as productive at home as I was everywhere else!  So I woke up this morning and went outside to feed the animals and Katness [momma cat] brought me a present.  This cute little field mouse with it's head hanging by an artery or something!!!  Ugh!!  At least she's doing her job but I sure wish she'd quit showing me the prizes.

Worked at the church for awhile, ran some errands and then it was time to get Micah from school.   I then took him to get a hair cut.  He was NOT happy as his hair had grown really long......even past his ears and it was pretty much a mullet!!!!  The kid is obsessed with his hair and he's only 9!!!  This just might be a deliverance issue!!  All he could talk about was how the girls love it when he flips his hair and how they all like his long hair.  Truth is; he also dislikes getting his hair cut as it's still a major sensory issue for him; but he is overcoming that as well.  He ended up with a GOOD TRIM and I think he really likes it. 
After the haircut; we wasted some time until it was time for his art show.  The Kendall Art Gallery was displaying Ft. Concho kids art work tonight.  Each class did something different.  Micah-Ray's class had to paint with watercolors a popular landmark in San Angelo.  He chose one of the graffiti designed cars that's under one of the bridges along the Riverwalk.  The car actually looks almost like the real car at that angle.  Here's a few pictures of him [notice the haircut] and his painting.

Then we came home to a late supper that tasted pretty bad.  Yay for bedtime snacks to fill us up!!  Looking forward to tomorrow........FRIDAY!!!!

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