Wednesday, April 16, 2014


PERSEVERANCE:  This is a word that I am becoming very familiar with!  Came across this cute poem that speaks of perseverance. 
Two frogs fell into a can of cream,
or so it has been told. 
The sides of the can were shiny and
the cream was deep and cold. 
"Oh, what's the use," said number
"It's plain no help's around.
"Good-bye, my friend, good-bye, sad
and weeping still he drowned. 
But number two, of sterner stuff,
dog paddled in surprise.
The while he licked his creamy lips
and blinked his creamy eyes.
"I'll swim at least a while," he
or so it has been said.
It really wouldn't help the world
if one more frog were dead.
An hour or more he kicked and swam,
not once he stopped to utter,
Then hopped out from the island he
made of fresh churned butter.
[Author unknown]

It seems that lately; there are a lot of people that I know who are going through some situations that really calls for them to persevere and endure through the trials.  There's even perseverance and persistence in the prayers.  Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."  I like that!!
Here are some definitions.
1.  in spite of opposition, obstacles
2.  lasting or enduring tenaciously
3.  constantly repeated; continued
1.  steady, persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state; etc.  Especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.
2.  continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation
All I know is that I sure am thankful that Jesus give me the grace to persevere in hard times and even in the good.  It would NOT be a good thing if my flesh was in charge of that perseverance!!!
I was reading in the Bible from 2 Samuel 23:8-12 in regards to David's mighty men!  I love reading stories like this.  Their names were Adino, Eleazar and Shammah.  Adino was tenacious because he killed 800 Philistines single-handedly.  Eleazar had tenacity [being tenacious or holding fast, persistant and keeping a firm hold] in the midst of overwhelming fatigue.  He had been fighting for several hours and at the end of the battle; his hand had to be pried from his sword.  Then there was Shammah who had tenacity because he had to stand in a field of lentils and protect it from a bunch of Philistines and he defended it and did kill the Philistines.  Weird and wild stories; but real!!!
I'm thankful for the difficult times; though they may not always be fun or feel good.  But I know those times teach me to persevere and endure and usually it's to prepare me for something in the future and to mature in my walk with Jesus.  The Lord teaches me how to persevere in my prayer time with Him so that His plans and purposes will come forth.  If we can persevere; just like frog #2 in the poem; we might be surprised at the outcome.  Because of the perseverance; what seemed like the pit, hardship, death, no hope, give up, etc; turns into a way out; a way of escape; an easy route; a rescue.  It's not about us though but all about persevering with the Lord; having tenacity and not giving up.
May we all be like frog #2 and hop off of our pad of butter!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Busy and very productive day today.  Just wish I would have been as productive at home as I was everywhere else!  So I woke up this morning and went outside to feed the animals and Katness [momma cat] brought me a present.  This cute little field mouse with it's head hanging by an artery or something!!!  Ugh!!  At least she's doing her job but I sure wish she'd quit showing me the prizes.

Worked at the church for awhile, ran some errands and then it was time to get Micah from school.   I then took him to get a hair cut.  He was NOT happy as his hair had grown really long......even past his ears and it was pretty much a mullet!!!!  The kid is obsessed with his hair and he's only 9!!!  This just might be a deliverance issue!!  All he could talk about was how the girls love it when he flips his hair and how they all like his long hair.  Truth is; he also dislikes getting his hair cut as it's still a major sensory issue for him; but he is overcoming that as well.  He ended up with a GOOD TRIM and I think he really likes it. 
After the haircut; we wasted some time until it was time for his art show.  The Kendall Art Gallery was displaying Ft. Concho kids art work tonight.  Each class did something different.  Micah-Ray's class had to paint with watercolors a popular landmark in San Angelo.  He chose one of the graffiti designed cars that's under one of the bridges along the Riverwalk.  The car actually looks almost like the real car at that angle.  Here's a few pictures of him [notice the haircut] and his painting.

Then we came home to a late supper that tasted pretty bad.  Yay for bedtime snacks to fill us up!!  Looking forward to tomorrow........FRIDAY!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Awhile back; I was out on a walk and while walking; I received some revelation from the Lord that really moved me that day.  It's not the first time that He has spoken to me about this topic and there will probably be more times. I believe it was just another layer brought up so that I can go deeper in knowing Him, His kingdom and receiving all that He has for me.

FAITH... or HOPE? Jesus so lovingly showed me some areas where I really thought that I had faith or even great faith; but instead it was actually hope.   At first; I was disappointed, but as He revealed more; I began to see it. In the New Testament; the definition of HOPE is  a "confident expectation". It's expecting something good. There's nothing wrong with that!!!   FAITH is......"I HAVE IT ALREADY.......IT'S A DONE DEAL BECAUSE JESUS SAYS SO." It's as if with certain situations we may start out with hoping or a strong and confident expectation but we just haven't arrived at that place of faith. Or maybe we are praying and contending for something or for someone, for some kind of breakthrough and we believe and have faith.  But wait; is it faith or is it hope? 

One of my greatest desires is to be so filled with faith that I am immoveable in it, steadfast and not easily tossed to and fro. I want to mature in faith and grow up in the fullness of Jesus Christ. It's not my doing but the Lord's as He is the author and finisher of my faith, yet; I have a part in walking it out. Hope is a good thing to have. I Cor. 13:13 tells us that faith, hope and love are good! But FAITH pleases God. I was reading in Genesis 12, where God personally called Abram out and then in Chapter 15:5-6; God was telling Abram to look at the heavens; the stars and count them and God blessed him with a promise. Then in verse 6; this shows us the first time that Abram [who's name was later changed to Abraham] believed in the Lord and it was accounted to him as righteousness. When Abram looked and saw it; he believed it. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hope is really great.  Faith is a big deal to God. Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."  Jude 1:20 talks about building up our most holy faith. 

When you intimately know God and have relationship with Him; He will reveal Himself to you because He loves you. Hope is really good but He wants you to have great faith in Him!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Thrift Store Treasures

I have always been a creative and thrifty person when the circumstances arise.  Sometimes; this just happened out of life needs and other times I just did it because it was fun! 

Now that I'm in this season of being a "single woman";  I have realized that I've at times been partnering with a 'poverty mindset' and fear of lack.  There's much about that but it doesn't just have to do with 'finances' but can even be a poverty of the 'spirit, soul and body'.  Much of it has to do with what I have believed in, thought about and learning to renew my mind. Really, it all comes down to the word of God and whether or not I receive what He says and trust Him in every area.  Jesus has been working with me on these heart issues and real physical issues.  I've learned that I can still have fun going 'thrifting' or to garage sales, auctions and so forth without it being a poverty mindset; yet I have to admit that this whole area has at times been a struggle for me.  I believe that I am having some major victory in it to where it doesn't rule me and I can still have fun 'thrifting'.

I know that I'll write more about all of this another time; but in saying all that I did; I really am leading up to something!  Now; I often thrift shop because I just like getting good deals and paying way less for something than I would if I bought it new.  I'm sure that doesn't make sense to some people!! I also enjoy refurbishing and recycling items or making something really creative out of them!

This past week; I got a great deal at our local Goodwill store.  

These sandals were brand new and never worn.  Otherwise; I wouldn't have put my foot into them.......just the thought of foot germs from someone else!!!  They looked like really good shoes and they were in my size.  When I came home; I Googled the brand.  They are from THE WALKING COMPANY and they are ABEO/Balboa's. On the website; they cost $89.95.  I paid $2.99 for them!  AND THEY WERE BRAND NEW!!!  These are the most comfortable flip flop type sandals I have ever worn besides Clarks brand. This is the 2nd time where I've hit a great deal like this. 

Three years ago; I got these sandals.  They look a little rough cause I wear them so much in the summer.  They are Chaco's and usually cost $100 or more.  Several of my family members had ordered/bought a brand new pair and paid full price.  I bought them brand new and paid $.99 cents.  YEP!!!  
See; sometimes when you go to thrift stores or garage sales; you really do get something brand new and never used!!!